So I doubt that there's anyone who reads this who doesn't know me personally, but on the off chance that there is, allow me to introduce myself via the time-honored Internet tradition of answering a bunch of random questions about one's self. This particular list comes courtesy of Sister:
- Do you like blue cheese?
- No.
- Do you own a gun?
- No, unless projectile vomiting infants count.
- What flavor Kool Aid is your favorite?
- None.
- Do you get nervous before a doctor appointment?
- Not usually. The only time I can remember was just before getting an MRI.
- What do you think of hot dogs?
- Sometimes yummy, always unhealthy.
- Favorite Christmas movie?
- Just about every Christmas movie I've seen stinks to high heaven. So I'm gonna have to go with It's a Wonderful Life.
- What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
- Moo juice.
- Can you do push ups?
- Yes, but not as many as I should.
- What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
- The only one I own, my wedding ring.
- Favorite hobby?
- No one favorite. Reading, writing software, playing computer games, playing chess and swing dancing with Gorgeous Wife, though I have little time for any of it ever since I got kids.
- Do you have A.D.D.?
- Riddled with it, in fact.
- What's your weight?
- Kinda personal for an online questionnaire, aren't we?
- Middle name?
- Personal again!
- Name three thoughts at this exact moment.
- I really should stop blogging and get back to work. I ate a bit too much for dinner. I wish I was home instead of at work.
- Name three drinks you regularly drink.
- Milk, water and (too much) soda.
- Current worry?
- When I die, will my kids know whose funeral they're attending?
- Current hate right now?
- Working late.
- Favorite place to be?
- Home.
- How did you bring in the new year?
- At home with a very pregnant Gorgeous Wife and our daughter (whose blogging code name I have not yet invented).
- Where would you like to go?
- Mexico, Puerto Rico, the UK, Italy, Hawai'i. I could come up with others if you twisted my arm.
- Name three people who will complete this.
- Sister already did. Camille probably will. I have very few blogging friends. *sigh*
- Do you own slippers?
- Gorgeous Wife's sister got me a pair a while back, and they're very effective at keeping feet warm. Too effective, in fact. Unless it's really cold, I can't wear them for very long or my feet get hot.
- What color shirt are you wearing right now?
- Red.
- Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
- Can't say I ever have, so I don't know whether I'd like it.
- Can you whistle?
- Yup.
- Favorite color?
- Blue. Used to be green.
- Would you be a pirate?
- I'm not too big on pillaging, swilling grog, or disemboweling people, so I guess I wouldn't make a very good pirate. I do enjoy talking like a pirate, though. Matey.
- What songs do you sing in the shower?
- Ugh. The shower has horrible acoustics.
- Favorite girl's name?
- Gorgeous Wife's name, of course.
- Favorite boy's name?
- My son's name. (He needs a blogging code name, too.)
- What's in your pocket right now?
- Handses! Actually, my wallet. And a hole.
- Last thing that made you laugh?
- Probably my son making toothless gummy smiles.
- Best bed sheets as a child?
- Uh, don't remember my childhood bedsheets. Who wrote this thing, anyway?
- Worst injury you’ve ever had?
- Five stitches under my chin.
- Do you love where you live?
- It's very nice, but I'd like a standalone house better.
- How many TVs do you have in your house?
- Only one in active use. We have a little one that's sitting in a closet, and a portable DVD player that gets used on occasion.
- Who is your loudest friend?
- Probably Camille. Not that I mind. Loud friends are some of the most fun. Loud neighbors, on the other hand...
- How many dogs do you have?
- None. I'd like one someday, though.
- Does someone have a crush on you?
- Gorgeous Wife, I hope!
- What is your favorite book?
- No one favorite. I do enjoy J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and Ken Jennings.
- What is your favorite candy?
- Butterfinger, Twix or Twizzlers.
- Favorite sports team?
- Not really a sports fan. I used to follow the Utah Jazz, before John Stockton retired.
- What song do you want played at your funeral?
- Probably “Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me.” Though what will actually get played is probably something like “Let's Get This Party Started.”